Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Prof. Nemet promotes CLC on WPR

CLC faculty coordinator Greg Nemet participated in a discussion about climate change on Wisconsin Public Radio this past Monday morning (9/28/09, 10am). To listen to the discussion, go to...

...and click on the "Listen to Archive" link.

Prof. Nemet mentioned the CLC as one of the ways UW-Madison is promoting creative ideas to address climate change, about 25 minutes into the recording.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Important Dates to Remember

Submissions for the Climate Leadership Challenge will be due on:
  • Thursday March 25th, 2010, 5:00 pm
Please note that this is the Thursday before Spring Break - if potential travel arrangements will conflict with the submission date you can certainly submit your project early.

Following the review of every submission, eight (8) projects will be selected as finalists, which will be announced on:
  • Tuesday April 6th, 2010

Presentations for the selected finalists will be at the Nelson Institute Earth Day Conference on:
  • Tuesday April 20th, 2010
At least one team member should be available for most of April 20th to present your project to the judges. Awards will be presented on the second day of the Conference, April 21st.

Informational Meetings

Informational meetings for the Climate Leadership Challenge will be held on the following dates:
  • Thursday Oct. 8th, 6:30 pm, Science Hall, Rm. 175
  • Thursday Oct. 15th, 6:30 pm, Science Hall, Rm. 175
More meetings will be scheduled in November, so don't fret if you can't make the October meetings. Also, FREE PIZZA will be provided at the October meetings - so if $100,000 in prizes isn't enough to get you there, maybe free pizza will do it.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Climate Leadership Challenge 2010 Kickoff

Welcome interested students!

The Climate Leadership Challenge blog will serve to communicate developing details about the competition. For more information about the CLC, please visit

Prizes for the 2010 CLC have doubled! This year's grand prize will be $50,000 towards the implementation of the winning product, policy, or program. In addition, the winning individual or team will be offered a 12-month lease on a suite at the University Research Park’s new east side facility, the Metro Innovation Center, to help put the winning idea into action. Up to $50,000 of additional money will be distributed as additional prizes.

Informational sessions will be held near the beginning of October. The sessions will provide more details about the CLC and a chance to ask questions about the competition. Exact dates and times are yet to be determined, so stay posted.