Climate Solutions Discussion
Tuesday, November 24th, 4:00 pm
Science Hall, Rm. 140
Come to an informal discussion about climate change science, policy, impacts, and -- most of all -- possible solutions. Bring your questions and ideas! All students and faculty welcome. Discussion will be facilitated by Prof. Tracey Holloway, Director of the Nelson Institute Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE) and Co-chair of the Climate Leadership Challenge.
Additional discussions may be scheduled in December, January, and February, depending on interest.
CLC Team-Forming
Thursday, Nov. 19th, 5:30 pm
Science Hall, Rm. 175
All students interested in assembling or joining a team to compete in the Climate Leadership Challenge are invited to attend this team-forming event. Come meet other students and find potential teammates.
A second CLC Team-Forming session will be held on Thursday, Dec. 3rd, 5:30 pm, at 175 Science Hall.