Have a great idea, but need someone with complementary skills from another major or department?
Are you looking for a team or to meet other people interested in the Climate Leadership Challenge?
Come to our Speed Networking event to connect with other interested students, to find a partner or build a team for the Climate Leadership Challenge!
When: Thursday, October 7th, 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Where:Tong Auditorium, Engineering Centers Building
Who: YOU! Even if you're still just rolling the idea of entering around in your mind, come check it out. I'll be there to answer your questions about the Climate Leadership Challenge, and you'll have the opportunity to chat with staff from the other university innovation competitions on campus - Innovation Days (Tong and Schoofs prizes) and The Burrill Business Plan Competition.
I hope to see you there!
Learn more about Climate Leadership Challange at www.sage.wisc.edu/clc and the other competitions at http://innovation.wisc.edu.