Please mark your calendars for this semester's first Weston Roundtable Lecture! The Weston Roundtable series, co-sponsored by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and SAGE (the Nelson Institute Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment), focuses on issues in sustainability science, technology, and policy. Each seminar includes significant time for Q&A and discussion, and is preceded by tea/cookies for networking with colleagues across campus. We've have some fantastic talks scheduled for this coming semester, with research, business, and communication leaders from on- and off-campus.
Graduate students interested in earning 1-credit for weekly attendance are invited to enroll in ES900 Seminar in Sustainability Science, Technology, and Policy. But, enrolled or not, we hope all students, faculty, and researchers will mark this exciting series as a regular part of your weekly schedule.
Our first talk of 2011 addresses recycled materials, by UW-Madison's own, Prof. Craig Benson.
Hope to see you there this week and in future weeks!